How to talk to children about disabilities

How to talk to children about disabilities



Opening up the discussion about disabilities with children is something most parents wouldn’t think of doing unless a child notices someone with a disability. There are a whole host of disabilities out there and not all disabilities are visual. According to the World Health Organisation, 15% of the world’s population is disabled.  With such a high percentage of individuals, it’s important to talk to children about the visual and non-visual disabilities that are out there. 

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Tips for Parenting from a Wheelchair

Tips for Parenting from a Wheelchair



Parenting in any terms can be difficult, but adding a wheelchair to the mix can add a heap of challenges to the equation. With a lack of information out there offered by professionals on how to care for children from a wheelchair, we have collated personal experiences and tips from parents on online forums to create our own advice on making parenting from a wheelchair a little easier. 

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